Take to the Skies
Instruction & Training
Come Fly With Us
People fly CSS sites seven days a week, weather permitting, so it is easy to get site information and a ride up the hill. There are a few flight schools which operate nearly every day and they are good sources of information for visiting pilots, obtaining visiting memberships, and site sign-offs.

Local Instructors
All instructors listed are USHPA certified and are qualified to issue USHPA ratings, which are required to fly at Crestline/Marshall and most flying sites in the USA. Only instructors/schools that also have the additional PASA certification can use Andy Jackson Airpark as a training facility. Instructors are not affiliated with the Crestline Soaring Society and are independent operators.
Atmosphere Paragliding
Marcello DeBarros
Phone: 714.608.3451
Email: atmosphereparagliding@hotmail.com
Website: atmosphereparagliding.com
Services Offered: Paragliding solo instruction (P1-P4), special skills sign-offs, paramotor instruction, and XC flights and tandem classes for advanced pilots.
Fly Crestline
Dan DeWeese
Phone: 909.226.3331
Email: flycrestline@gmail.com
Website: flycrestline.com
Services Offered: Tandem hang gliding flights, hang gliding solo instruction
Jordan Neidinger
Phone: 951.901.0995
Email: flywjordan@gmail.com
Website: flywithjordan.info
Services Offered: Paragliding solo instruction, tandem discovery flights, tandem instruction, paramotor transition training, tandem clinics & renewals, CSS site introductions
Jérôme Daoust Paragliding
Jérôme Daoust
Email: EyesToTheSky@gmail.com
Website: expandingknowledge.com/Jerome/PG/School/Main.htm
Services Offered: Gear purchase (any brand of wing, harness, reserve), repacking for round parachutes with packing tabs, theory class, ratings, kiting, free mentoring (barter for a ride to launch) for out-of-school pilots.
NeverLand Paragliding
Stephen Nowak
Phone: 909.202.9581
Email: EatFlySleep@gmail.com
Website: neverlandparagliding.com
Services Offered: Paragliding solo instruction (P1-P4), tandem discovery flights, advanced tandem flights for hands-on thermalling, cross country, and maneuver instruction, paragliding visitor sign-off (by appointment), paramotor instruction
Hadi ‘Henry’ Golian
Phone: 818.681.7936
Email: pggolian@aol.com
Website: pggolian.com
Rhodes Hang Gliding
Dusty Rhodes
Phone: 909.771.1991
Email: windummy@hotmail.com
Website: rhodeshanggliding.com
Services Offered: Tandem hang gliding flights