This site is a USHPA Chapter Site regulated by the Crestline Soaring Society (CSS) as an Intermediate Rated Hang Gliding Site. Non-rated MEMBERS of the USHPA may fly under direct instructor supervision. Once a student receives his/her Novice Hang Gliding rating, meets the requirements outlined on this form and received this signoff sheet, they may conduct unsupervised solo flights within the restrictions outlined below. Visiting Novice pilots (H2) are required to have an instructor evaluate skills and issue this form at the instructor’s discretion.

All Novice Hang Glider pilots operating under this signoff must have logged a minimum of 2 hours solo airtime and have had at least 5 solo flights into the Andy Jackson LZ. You have the following flight restrictions:

  1. You must fly with a yellow streamer.
  2. You must not launch from Crestline.
  3. You may not fly during the middle of the day – between 5 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset.
  4. In addition to 3 (above) you must follow the USHPA operating limitations for your rating.

If you have logged more than 10 hours of solo flight time, you may ignore restrictions 1, 2 & 3 (above) but you must remain always within the USHGA operating limitations for Novice.

In order to minimize approach congestion caused by the airspeed difference between paragliders and hang gliders, a suggested approach pattern that separates these crafts as outlined has been adopted. Deviation from this pattern is allowed and suggested when it does not increase congestion or actually reduces congestion. During downslope winds the approach pattern is entirely up to the pilot. Basically do what is safest for you and your fellow pilots.

Landing off-field is always a possibility. Primary concern is your safety. If seriously hurt during an off-field landing, minimize your activity and leave your equipment exposed. Your lack of activity and exposed gear will be a sign that you need help. If you are capable to get yourself out, first pack up your equipment so other pilots won’t begin an unnecessary rescue effort.

If a fire is in the local mountains land immediately! Aerial firefighters need approximately a 5-mile radius to maneuver to make fire retardant drop passes. Even if they see you while making these passes, you are interfering.

I declare that as a Novice Hang Glider pilot, I have the skills necessary to safely fly into the Andy Jackson Airpark and I have reviewed the above requirements with my instructor.

Approach Pattern