Home Forums Pilot Reports Sunday 10/25/2020 Sky to Myself

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  • #10496
    Ken Howells
    General Member

    Had a fun 35 minutes flying from the 750 today with a Sport 3 170 hang glider. Easy to maintain altitude, tough to climb much. Landed when I felt like it.

    2020-10-25 14.25.45

    Nobody else flying except a few paragliders who launched the 750 while I was hiking back up to get my truck. Marshall Peak was still getting brushed by clouds while I set up, fully clear later.

    With the weird system diving in from the north and bringing fire danger after the rain I didn’t know what to think and wasn’t inspired about flying today. Finally realized this was probably an epic summer day where this glider’s going (England) so I ought to test fly it in these conditions :-)

    Felt really great to get some air time and have a nice uneventful hike and truck retrieve.

    Paused the Dodger game a few times and did a quick edit on the video.


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