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  • #20495
    David Webb
    General Member

    Interesting comparison look at our paragliders, and how small the differences are between most of them. Data is taken from loads of different flights/pilots/gliders and only looks at straight glides for more than a minute. More on the data here.


    For entertainment purposes only.

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Thanks for the entertainment.
    Don’t forget Dust of the universe: https://ziadbassil.blogspot.com/

    David Webb
    General Member

    Yep – Ziad’s reviews are great. Also good that it’s one pilot, so it’s nice to use his stats as comparison data between the wings he’s reviewed.

    This one’s nice due to how many flights it includes in the data set. Some of the wings in there have flight data from over a thousand flights. Still not perfect, since harness and pilot aren’t factored in at all, but maybe the number of flights included for each balances those wildcards out enough for comparing them with one another.

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