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    Are there any prospects for getting the Crestline, and Marshal, and AJX weather working?  While I am an aeronautical engineer, not an internet engineer, I volunteer to help in any way possible to get the website working.



    David Webb
    General Member

    New Marshall station is on order and should arrive next Wednesday. Just need to install it (we can pull data from that as soon as it’s in place). Ken is working on software updates to CRS, and that will be back online as soon as that’s complete (believe AJX is the same story).

    David Webb
    General Member

    Crestline weather station is back online. Applause for Ken and Dan for their software patching, anemometer fiddling, and tower climbing – risking life, limb, and sanity for our amusement.

    Successful (failed) test of the new Marshall station. The network(s) it was connecting to were getting a very weak signal (my phone is on ATT and I get a pretty shitty connection anytime I’m up there), so going to try a couple other cell connection options.


    Thank you, nice surprise today when I checked winds at breakfast.


    David Webb
    General Member

    Second successful (failed) test – got the new LTE modem and took it up the mountain, but its connection strength to ATT and TMo was still pretty weak. Connected a few times but not good enough to mount it and leave.

    Will look into stronger directional antennas to boost that signal (since the station works perfectly everywhere except on the mast at Marshall – worth pursuing) but in the meantime, will go write more code to pull the other station’s data from the flymarshall website.

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