Home Forums Pilot Reports Wednesday 2020/11/25

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    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Thanks to David for this picture of me with hidden orange flight suit.

    It was fun thermalling close to David (PG) and Mario (HG). Launched late (2:30pm) but managed 2 hours and up to 5150′ after launching from Marshall.



    David Webb
    General Member

    I can also attest that it was a lot of fun. Of course, my flight was 4 minutes shorter and 100’ less max alt. The student shall not get the best of the sensei this time.

    Morning was also great. Launched at 9:30 from Marshall and got in an hour flight – easy to stay up. Saw some Wills Wings test pilots checking out some gear.

    Mario Miralles
    General Member

    Thanks for letting me crash (I mean join!) your party guys. That was some fun integrated close flying.
    I launched Crestline and got 2.5 hrs and up to 6650 at Santa’s Village.

    David Webb
    General Member

    I think those wimpy little thermals yesterday needed both wing types to come alive :)

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