Home Forums Pilot Reports Super Bowl Sunday – 2021

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    David Webb
    General Member

    Fun way to spend a Sunday.

    Launched Crestline just before 10:30 for a super smooth morning extended sled ride. Flew over the pond and saw a good-sized group hard at work on the drain/cleanup effort.


    Back up on the Sandy Van for a 13:00 launch at Crestline. 3:15 flight up to 6200’.

    Almost zero wind on launch – several hang pilots opted to go down to Marshall for additional launch wind. Air was buoyant and fairly smooth – easy to stay up but challenging to get high. Lots of pilots in the air – most seemed to be having a better time of it getting up.

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Nice way to celebrate Kenny’s birthday today. He was smiling down on us with a sweet sunset for a candle. No speech from the skies above sadly.

    2021-02-07 Sunset 5a

    David Webb
    General Member

    Now THAT’s a sunset! Nice pic.

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member



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