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    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Good news… Following their yearly shutdown for the hot period, the owner/manager (Jeremy) just told me that Soboba will reopen on Saturday the 11th this month. 2013_03_02_CA_Soboba_c_OverRidge_LookingNW

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    It is a fun tease to read a “you missed it” flight report, but much better if you are told beforehand…

    At this moment, conditions look favorable for late afternoon flying at Soboba for the next 2 days (Sept 13+14).

    Yes, I know… You have one of those “job things” to go to.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Monday, Sept 13… A good group of PG pilots today. Wind direction was good but on the strong side. I launched 3 hours before sunset and landed at sunset, reaching 6k in flight. A mostly smooth flight, with views matching the one in the picture above.

    Tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept 14) is predicted to be even better: Ideal (not as strong) wind, and higher altitudes predicted. Good time to arrive is 2:45pm if you are new to the place (paperwork) otherwise 3:15 pm to catch the next shuttle up. But check the forecast before heading out. See you there. Update: PiRep for Sept 14.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Today (Wed Sept 15) I completed my goal of “3 for 3“… 3-hour flights each day, for 3 days in a row. Today I got 1 min over 3 hours and up to 5.6 k. Thanks to Cory who captured my launch on video (mp4 file). Cory launched later and had a good flight.

    Kirk Mccrary
    General Member

    Yesterday (9/17) was still great.  Jerome would have had another 3 hour day.  I landed after 2.5 hours, and I’m the world’s worst P3.  And … had almost the whole place to myself!

    Thanks for the reminders, Jerome


    Tom Swanson
    General Member

    20210917_183805Almost forgot how magical Soboba can be. Today was one of those days. I heard tomorrow and Sunday will be too.20210917_183645

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