Home Forums Non-CSS Sites Soboba, Tuesday Sept 14 2021

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  • #13753

    Today was the “sweet spot” for conditions: Enough wind but not too much, plenty of thermals but not too rough. I got 3 hours and up to 5500′, landing at sunset. Lots of pilots in the air, I will guess at 20 in flight at the same time. The air was unusually clear. Conditions also look favorable tomorrow (Wed Sep  15).

    Caught a casino thermal for a 700′ gain.IMG_1745

    View of the mountain from above the casino.IMG_1753

    Pilots cruising at altitude.IMG_1756

    David Webb
    General Member

    One of the better Soboba days I’ve had yet. Ample lift but very smooth. Comfy temperatures once at altitude. First trip to the Casino. Lots of pilots boating around all over and having a good time.

    Casino proof (my casino thermal didn’t pay out as well as Jérôme’s but likely enough for a prime rib dinner):


    Sky full o’ PGs:



    Jerome and David,

    Great flying with you both yesterday!

    Jerome, if you have a high res copy of your last image – let me know as I am the pilot in the red/blue Icaro glider :)

    Last two days were fun flying small FAI triangles.


    Hi Cameron, I do have a higher res picture. Send me an Email and I will provide the original.

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