Home Forums Pilot Reports Autumn bliss – Sunday 9/24/2023 – Video 4K

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  • #18977
    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    That was Fun to watch !!

    Your weather on the 23’rd , was a bit more pleasant , and less violent ; than the Thread i made about :

    9/ 21/2023 — What an Awesome day !!!



    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Thanks Bille,
    I had the day wrong. This was Sunday 9/24 and not Saturday the 23rd.
    I sledded on 9/22 so this made up for that.
    Sorry if it was rough on 9/21.


    Jonathan wrote :

    Sorry if it was rough on 9/21.


    I’m not sorry , even a little bit . The Delta-2 PG that Gene gave me ; it pulled me up to near 5300 AGL over the landing aria ; and I had a Serious Blast !!!!!

    Brian took this shot :

    BilleScreenshot 2023-09-23 6.33.34 AM

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