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    Just received an email from CSS board of directors , indicating that no member may obtain a ride to any takeoff from Gean or Nicole ; while on CSS leased property . The CSS Board of Directors

     CSS Members, wrote :

    …If pilots wish to obtain a ride from Gene or Nicole during the ban period they must do so OFF of CSS property. …

    So to be clear on this subject ; this is the actual perimeters , for the property leased by the CSS club ?

    CSS LEASEd property



    I’m not sure where your graphic comes from Billy.  I think it is probably accurate, but it’s kind of confusing with the yellow area and the blue area.  If the outer boundaries are accurate (and I think they are), we should make clear that the blue areas are NOT the boundaries of CSS leased land – it is the whole yellow area.


    Here’s the map of the leased AJX property and XC Ranch property divided by the bold yellow line. Gene & Nicole are allowed on the XC ranch property, but not AJX/CSS property at this time.


    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    It will be challenging for visiting pilots to know where the limits are on the ground, going from memory of a map.

    For those hoping to catch a ride up with Gene, we could have these temporary signs…Sign_4


    Jana said :

    Here’s the map of the leased AJX property and XC Ranch property divided by the bold yellow line. …

    Do you have a copy of the lease ; so we members can be assured that this information is in fact : “Accurate” ?

    Thanks : Bille


    You can see the lease document and map here: Club Library

    You have to be signed in to be able to open the link. In the club library click on “Member Documents”, scroll down and then click on “DWR Lease for AJX”.


    Thank you Jana !!!

    I looked at the lease , and decided to stay quiet on this one ; I have no desire to start an argument.

    See you all in the air ; and have a bunch of FUN !!!


    Ken Howells
    General Member

    So that section of road north of where the campers park is off-limits?


    Jana said :

    Here’s the map of the leased AJX property and XC Ranch property divided by the bold yellow line. Gene & Nicole are allowed on the XC ranch property, but not AJX/CSS property at this time. …


    CSS is renting a total of 3.1 acres of property , and  the amount of property indicated  in the post by Jana is 14.33 acres ; a discrepancy is noted here. Why does it matter ? It may be of serious concern in the near future.



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