Home Forums Safety Do Not Launch or Fly Near Crestline on 1/28/2025!

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  • #21460

    Attention all pilots! On 1/28/2025, SoCal Edison will have helicopters hovering around Crestline launch. Please make sure you stay out of their way by staying in front of Marshall if you must fly that day. Be aware of the dangers of flying near helicopters. Please share this info in your respective pilot chat groups, so that everyone is aware. Thank you!


    Here is a video explaining how and why flying near helicopters with a paraglider or hang glider is dangerous:


    I got a cold soda-pop that says some dumb PG or HG  pilot ; will fly right in their way.

    Any takers ?



    Any takers for you bet…… or any takers to be …. “That guy” that flys in there way 😮

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