Home Forums Events & Projects Board of Directors Nominations 2025

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    The membership-wide email went out earlier today to kick off our 2025 BOD Election cycle.  The 30 day period for nominations began today and will close on 14 March 2025.  Following that the voting period will also be for 30 days.  Be on the look-out for the ballot email around March 14th with your personal link to vote on the election website.

    As stated in the email, please consider the following;

    Before nominating someone, please ensure they are willing to run for the position. This will help avoid placing candidates on the ballot who do not wish to serve.

    You may nominate yourself or someone else for one or more of the following positions:

    Vice President
    Safety Director
    Site Director
    Events Director
    Communications Director

    Submit your nominations, questions and/or comments to: info@crestlinesoaring.org


    Also, in addition to emailing your nominations to info@crestlinesoaring.org, feel free to post your nominations on this thread and please say a few words about your nominee, why you think they would be a great fit for a BOD seat, experience, skills, or any other relevant info to encourage a vote for that person from the CSS membership.  The Nominee should also feel free to respond and tell us about themselves and what intend to accomplish as a member of the CSS BOD.

    This not required for a nomination, just the email is, but I think it would great for the CSS to hear as much as we can about potential nominees.


    So I’ll kick off the nominations with this;

    Jana & Kathy have decided not to seek re-election for their board seats (Vice President & Events Coordinator respectively).  On behalf the entire BOD I’d like thank them both profusely for all of their effort and accomplishments this year as CSS Officers.  Jana & Kathy have been on the BOD this previous year and many other years before, their contributions to the CSS cannot be overstated.

    So, I would like to formally nominate Ben Kanselbaum for Vice President and Mimi BowQuay for Events Coordinator.

    Ben is a P4 PG Pilot and has been flying for 9 years.  He is one of the friendliest and most even-keeled Pilots in the air and hanging out in the LZ.  I believe he would be a great addition to the CSS BOD for his communication skills, judgement, and character.

    Mimi BowQuay is also a P4 PG Pilot and has been part our CSS family for the past 5 years.  She has one of the brightest personalities in the LZ so if you haven’t met her yet, well I guess you don’t fly much!  Mimi actually has significant professional experience as an Events Planner & Business Owner so I believe she’s the perfect fit for our new Events Coordinator.

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Ben for VP & Meezer for EC!
    Thanks to Jana & Kathy for all your past and future hard work for the club!


    Hi everyone,

    Ive decided not to seek re-election. I nominate Luke Berger for President! He will do a great job, I have no doubt.

    Ed Wggins

    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    I second Luke, Ben, Mimi.

    Mimi BowQuay
    General Member

    I am deeply honored to have been formally nominated for the position of Events Coordinator on the Board of Directors of the Crestline Soaring Society. I would like to sincerely thank the current board for this nomination and for their unwavering dedication to our club. Your efforts in fostering a vibrant community and promoting hang gliding and paragliding in Southern California are truly commendable.

    With great enthusiasm, I am happy to accept this nomination. I am confident that my skills and dedication align with the roles and responsibilities required to serve our community effectively. I look forward to contributing to the planning and execution of events that bring our members together, celebrate our shared passion for flight, and strengthen the bonds within our club.

    Thank you again for this opportunity, and for all that you do to support our society. I am excited to work with all of you to continue making the Crestline Soaring Society a vibrant and thriving community.


    For Site Coordinator I am nominating Peter Song.  Peter has been flying with us Crestline for the last 5 years (maybe 6?).  He’s a super smart guy, Engineer type, and he’s come a very long way as Hang Glider Pilot, recently placing third in the Sport Class at the Valle Classic.  It’s pretty likely that he’ll be on his way to the Sport Class World Championship in Italy this summer.  Above all, he’s a really down to earth guy and a great addition to our CSS membership, I think he would be a great fit on the CSS BOD in helping us keep the club grounds maintained and help with future improvements.


    I accept the nomination to run for CSS President and I appreciate the gestures of confidence posted above.

    I’d like to take a minute to bring you all up to speed on some the issues that the BOD has been dealing with over the past year and share how that will shape the board’s agenda going forward.  Please keep in mind that there is some heavy stuff on the horizon, so I’m not speaking in terms of just what I personally see as my own agenda if elected, this what the CSS Board will have to tackle no matter who has the job in the coming year (and possibly for several years to come).

    I’ll split these into more digestible bites, one thread at a time.  In no particular order;

    The LZ and the grass – In December of 23 we spiked for aeration, spread two truckloads of fresh topsoil, and spread out 34 bags of fertilizer.  During 2024 we fixed or replaced every sprinkler head in the LZ.  The result was the greenest, healthiest LZ we’ve seen in years and made for some amazing landings in the spring through early summer.  Unfortunately we eventually lost the battle in late summer to the heat and some plumbing issues.

    We were losing water in the pond and it got to danger low levels in July and August.   We couldn’t find any leaks at the time but after countless sessions of testing zones, fixing smaller problems, replacing some parts, we finally isolated a leak in the South-East corner.  We recently dug it up to get a plan for repairs.  It’s a cracked ‘T’ fitting in the 3 inch supply line and explains a lot about why we were slowly losing water without ever seeing as serious blow out.  We will get those PVC parts and get that fixed as soon as possible, hopefully before the end of March.

    We did have ‘blow out’ of sorts in November… The pressure relief valve blew off at the south side of the LZ and almost drained the pond.  I was able to get that fixed in December/January with the help of a few volunteers.  The new parts are a little more ‘hardened’ and there is a new shut-off valve adjacent to the pressure-relief valve in case it needs to be isolated or secured faster in the future.

    I fully expect the LZ to be as green and vibrant this spring as it was last year.  With a little luck and a few more fixes I think we will do better keeping it green longer into the summer this year.


    Last year we hired a professional Pest Control company to help us with the gopher infestation.  It made a massive difference, although it is nearly impossible to get rid of them all forever.  I intend to continue that service as part of the regular CSS budget, it is a necessary expense to maintain the LZ and it helps with our risk mitigation plan for insurance (nobody likes the possibility of sprained ankle or worse due to a gopher hole).

    We haven’t engaged the service yet this year… the budget is tight and there are other things on our plate that need to lay flat before we spend money elsewhere.  I’ll get to the funding issue in a moment, but if we determine that we can afford to continue professional help with the gophers I intend to keep that service going.

    Meanwhile, I built a turf-leveler (or land-plane) that you may have seen myself or Owen dragging around the LZ from the back of the Ranger.  We are using that to keep the gopher mounds knocked down and by counting the fresh activity we can see that the infestation is not as bad as it was last spring.  Still, we need to get after them… I hope the club will have the funding to do so.


    Another issue that is like a dark cloud looming on the horizon, and will be for the foreseeable future, is the Developer that has purchased all of the land to the east of the LZ.  Several CSS Members outside of just the BOD attended a meeting last year where the a representative of Encore University Hills showed us the draft concept drawings for the 300 plus homes they intend to build directly next to us.

    Let me be very clear about this – while it is not the end of the world that homes will potentially be built in the area where we make our landing approaches it is, at the same time, probably the most serious issue we face.  What we DO NOT want to do is to turn this into a hostile situation with the Developer, that is the most sure way to lose.

    Now please understand that the Developer does not have approved plans or building permits from San Bernardino County… yet.  We are not sure how many years it could take, or if it could take a turn and rapidly accelerate.  What we know for sure is that a special committee of the Club’s most dedicated and experienced members are keeping on top this and making sure we take all the right steps in this process.

    We don’t have a general time-line right now… the bureaucracy is slow moving.  All I can say for sure right now is that, again, this is the most serious issue we face and it will take the cohesiveness of our Free-Flight community along with every resource we can muster to make sure we preserve what so many people have worked so hard to build at CSS.


    Now the elephant in the room is, as is for many clubs, insurance… and the budget issues it causes.  The BOD has kept no secrets about it, many of you know that our current provider (Prime) is charging us over $26K per year.  This is what has been sucking away the majority of our budget for the last 2 years.

    Many CSS members, and many Pilots across the country, have voiced negative opinions about USHPA and RRRG insurance.  Believe me, and the rest of the BOD, when we say that we hear you, we get it, and we understand. But lets not delve into a typical internet based rant thread about grievances, lets just look at the brass-tacks, shall we?

    – The previous BOD cancelled our RRRG coverage for reasons that I am aware of and some of them I agree with.  They were making some unreasonable demands of the Club.  I only disagree wit the manner by which it was cancelled (bridges were burned) and I believe that should have been done by a membership vote. I know that they believed they were going to save the club money, unfortunately it didn’t work out that way.

    – For a period of time we had coverage (that was in fact cheaper than RRRG) from a company called Next.  That policy was cancelled by the provider, they did not give a reason why.  Our guess is that one of the company Underwriters looked at our website and saw what we do… I think they were a bit ‘concerned’ that we are a HG/PG Club but our General Liability Policy was written for ‘Adult Education’.

    – Somehow we got a new policy from Next after the first one was cancelled.  It turns out the new policy was granted for ‘CSS Inc.’ where the previous one was written for ‘Crestline Soaring Society’.  Needless to say they figured that one out and cancelled the second policy.  That was after myself and several others had been elected in 2023 and inherited the insurance nightmare.

    – We initially went to Prime.  The actually cover us for Aviation Activity, but they are expensive.  We shopped for any possible alternative.  We tried the Hartford… they gave us an affordable policy, specifically telling us they were good with our Club’s activity, but revoked it less than 8 weeks later without explanation. Since then we have been back with Prime and the rates they charge us are done knowing that we are bent over a barrel having no other options outside of RRRG.

    – Myself and several other board members spent countless hours on the phone with every insurance broker and underwriter we could dig up… They all said the same thing, they have no ‘category’ for us.  I even we to the partner insurance companies for the EAA and AOPA, they both said the same thing; they only sure things with tail numbers or do general liability policies for airports that are on charts (we are considered off-airport operations).

    – The reality is that that RecRRG is the only entity that has done the leg-work to create a category for HG & PG activities. Literately. They. Are. The. Only. One.


    So those are the simple facts about how we got here on this wild, expensive, and frustrating insurance ride.  What can I do about it?  I have to do what is best for the Club, and what is best for the CSS is to have coverage that we can afford, coverage that insures our actual activity, and adequate insurance that won’t leave us hanging out to dry in the event of a claim.

    Myself and Jamie Shelden (Secretary) have spent the better part of the last two years rebuilding trust with both USHPA and RecRRG.  It hasn’t been easy, it hasn’t been fun, and certainly wasn’t done without due consideration from the entire BOD.  I know people have some very strong feelings about the ‘establishment’, but let me assure you that we didn’t go into this trying to spite anyone’s feelings or experiences.  It boils down to this simple question;

    Should the club continue to pay over $26k per year, or would you rather pay $10K?

    We have to be the adults in the room, and we have to do what is best for the Club… the ENTIRE Club Membership. We have spend CSS funds on a policy we can afford and one that also provides legitimate protection from legal actions. Its. That. Simple.


    So how is this going to play out?

    I completed the Club’s Chapter Application for USHPA back in December.  Being granted a Club General Liability Policy through RecRRG requires that apply for USHPA Chapter status and have an up to date risk mitigation plan on file. That part is done.

    What’s next?  The time-line right now is that we should granted a policy (if the Rec Board approves) on June 1st.  Right now its looking good, they are satisfied with our application and some of the changes we have or will be making to satisfy risk mitigation requirements.

    What are those changes and how will they affect the club?  Most of them are very minor and won’t be noticed, they won’t change they way our Club has traditionally operated.  There will be updates to the by-laws, they are all pretty common sense. One example is that when the Club offers HG/PG equipment storage we can’t have it as a separate line item to ‘buy’ on the website, we have to make it a part of ‘premium’ membership.  It will cost the same, we just can’t have the appearance of commercial activity.

    There are numerous other small details to how all of this will get wrapped up prior to the new policy going into effect in June. There will be a member Meeting and review for all of this and ratification vote for By-Laws prior to accepting the terms of the new policy.  Just keep in mind one simple underlying reality in mind… it’s either $26K, or $10K.  What would you choose?


    So in summary, I’ll give you my final pitch to earn your vote for CSS President.

    I don’t toot my own horn much, but with the issues we are faced with I’m going to have to set humility aside for a moment and not pull any punches…

    For the last two years I’ve bloodied my knuckles almost every single weekend of the year at AJX, even through the winter.  I’ve skipped multiple flying days to fix the tractor, mow the LZ, chase gophers, fix the roads, fix the plumbing, kill weeds, paint the Pavilion beams, change windsocks, and fix a dozen other random things.  I’ve spent numerous hours at home and in my office finding tractor parts, shopping for maintenance supplies, writing risk mitigation proposals, calling insurance companies, building relationships with the Forest Service,   the Sherif, CAL Fire, and rebuilding bridges with USHPA and RecRRG.  I would be remiss to not mention that were a few die-hard volunteers who helped me do many of these above tasks, and to them I am forever grateful.

    I’ve got 10 things cooking but I’ve only got 4 burners on the stove.  I certainly can’t do all of this alone.  I need good people on the board, and I’m going to be asking for more engagement from members to get through some of these future challenges.  When its time, and its a necessity, I’m going ned every last member of CSS on-deck to get us through what might be a tough situation with the developer next-door.

    It’s not going to be easy, I never believed it was going to be.  Just know that one thing I will never do is quit.  Let’s leave the drama behind and work together on these things, its the only way.

    Please vote for me for CSS President, Ben Kanselbaum for VP, Jamie Shelden for Secretary, Jeff Bether for Treasurer, Mimi BowQuay for Events Coordinator, Nate Halahan for Communications Director, and Peter Song for Site Coordinator.

    I’ll leave you all with one quote, its not the most famous but it sure is inspiring… the Veterans in the Club will understand this one;

    “WHAT makes the grass grow?! BLOOD makes the grass grow!!!”

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