Home Forums Non-CSS Sites Fly Soboba before July+August, or after.

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    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    This is your chance to try Soboba before it closes for the 2 hot months of July and August (management taking a vacation)…

    At this time, the forecast is favorable for Soboba tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon. It is likely that I will be there mid-afternoon and hiking to launch (for the exercise), but rides up (PG) are available. Before heading out, verify that the wind will be from the SW, and no more than 15 mph: Hourly forecast.

    If you have not used the “Mid Spine” launch, here is a picture and video. Not ideal for PG beginners: Sharp wind gradient, limited area, powerlines nearby. If you know the Crestline launch, think of this one as slightly more demanding.

    Flying is easy: Long and tall ridge offers easy soaring: Picture. As any inland site, air can be rough before the last 2 hours of daylight.

    Landing is easy: Very long LZ, right under where you fly. On windy days, expect turbulence 300′ above the LZ.

    Reminders: Requirements: P2 and radio set to 144.925 MHz. More site info.

    Good flights, Jerome

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    As expected… Today was good after 4:45pm. I got close to 3 hours, and up to 5300′. Softer+Wider thermals at the end, before the ridge lift festival.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Forecast is looking good for tomorrow (Saturday) at Soboba. And Saturday better than Sunday (windy at Soboba and Marshall).

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Saturday, June 27: Good conditions and a big turnout of pilots. I got close to 4 hour airtime and up to 5 k.

    3  pilots doing aerobatics: Infinity tumble, McTwist, Dynamic stall, SAT, Helicopter. Most done cleanly.

    One PG ended up in the bushes on top of the mountain, bunched up his gear, walked down to highest launch, noticed something not right with his gear and walked down.

    Open tomorrow, then re-opens in September.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Sounds like Marshall and Soboba had very similar days yesterday. I could just barely get to 5k, only 2 hours of flight time for me (ended up launching a bit later as it was a little busy), and lots of pilots. Overall smooth-ish but had a few hard gusty hits here and there and thermals were small. Looked like the LZ was freshly mowed too so  it was nice to land on that.

    Stephen Crye
    Limited Member

    I’m sad that Soboba will be closed during my Independence Day Week SoCal flycation…

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    I just called and talked to Jeremy (owner/manager). They are fully open and ready for ya.

    See first message at the top for more site info.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Decent forecast (no guarantees) for both days this weekend at Soboba.

    I will be there today (Saturday) at 3pm, launching around 4pm.

    It would be fun to see you there.

    Update: It was great. Pilot report.

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