Home Forums Pilot Reports Soarable 8/4/2020 M750 F3T 15:20

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  • #9875
    Ken Howells
    General Member

    I got up from the 750 in the third thermo with my Falcon 3 Tandem at 15:20. Once I was above launch I just kind of boated a little bit then on up to Marshall height. Just enjoyed being in the air with the Falcon, reminisced about Yosemite. Over north of Regionals there was a bump I kind of rode up a-ways thinking “if it takes me to Crestline, I’ll go”. It was looking for more commitment I think. I bailed at forty five and cruised out front and looked at Cal State with no cars in it and then had a good landing and social distanced a little bit and then had a good hike to get my truck.


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