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- This topic has 14 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 11 months ago by
Mario Miralles.
March 5, 2023 at 11:21 AM #17468
Nominations for the Board of Directors will close Friday, the 10th of March, 2023.
Please make your nominations this week.
You can email them to communications@crestlinesoaring.org
Here are the current nominations:President – Stan Barankiewicz
Vice-President – Jai Pal S Khalsa, Jana Pivkova
Secretary – Marcello De Baerros, Jamie Shelden
Treasurer – Jeff Bether
Site Coordinator – Luke Berger
Communications Director – Daniel Quick
Events Coordinator – Linda Salamone, Jordan Neidinger, Noel Munoz
Safety Director – Dan De WeeseMarch 5, 2023 at 8:20 PM #17475Jerome Daoust
General MemberThanks to all those offering to volunteer their time.
March 7, 2023 at 6:57 PM #17490Linda Salamone
General MemberJerome,
might I suggest you run for prez?
March 7, 2023 at 8:32 PM #17491Jerome Daoust
General MemberThank you for thinking of me for this role Linda. I have the following thoughts:
- I can do this, but to do a super job (focus on good decisions involving key people and membership), I would have to devote a large amount of time & effort.
- In similar past roles (VP of Quebec association, Pres of Soboba) I had overall positive experiences, but also learned that one gets exposed to negativity (you cannot make everyone happy). It helps me appreciate past/current board members.
So I pass, but will gladly help when consulted on any situation. It’s a fun club, long live the CSS. Jerome.
PS. I may vote for all the girls running for a position.
March 8, 2023 at 4:03 AM #17493Linda Salamone
General MemberNot many people more knowledgeable and qualified than you for the role, so I’m sorry to hear that.
We really hope to have a more transparent, functional and outgoing BOD.March 8, 2023 at 7:02 AM #17494Linda Salamone , General Member said :
might I suggest you run for prez?
And Linda is a smart , and Voicetress person , who questions everything that happens within club business ; I think she would make a good president , for our club !!
March 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM #17519Still time for nominations.
Update:President – Stan Barankiewicz
Vice-President – Jai Pal S Khalsa, Jana Pivkova
Secretary – Marcello De Baerros, Jamie Shelden
Treasurer – Jeff Bether, Jonathan Dietch
Site Coordinator – Luke Berger
Communications Director – Daniel Quick
Events Coordinator – Linda Salamone, Jordan Neidinger, Noel Munoz
Safety Director – Dan De WeeseMarch 20, 2023 at 1:57 PM #17553Linda Salamone
General MemberMarch 10th has passed and no ballot has been sent out. When is the 30 days voting period?
we wait with ‘bated breath…
March 24, 2023 at 8:37 AM #17589Linda Salamone
General MemberJerome- trying to contact you-
linda 585-737-8699
March 25, 2023 at 11:24 AM #17597As you all have probably seen, I’ve thrown my hat in the ring for the Secretary position on the CSS board. I thought it might be time to explain my reasons for this decision. For those that don’t know me, I’m somewhat new to the CSS. I moved to southern California about three years and have made Andy Jackson my home site. AJX is a beautiful and unique site and I have fallen in love with flying here. But, what I have seen over the past three years is club leadership that is somewhat dysfunctional and more importantly not transparent to the membership. I served on the USHPA board of directors for more about 15 years and I’ve serve as the US delegate to the CIVL (the international governing body for hang gliding and paragliding competitions and records) for more than 10 years and one thing I learned over those years of service is that transparency is critical. The pilots deserve to know what is happening with their site and they deserve to have a say in how things are run.
Many of the years working with the USHPA and CIVL I served as Secretary. I’m no longer on the USHPA board and I’m now a VP at CIVL, but I have a great deal of experience in the Secretary role. I’ve attended several CSS board meetings over the three years I have been here, but not once have I seen meeting minutes distributed to the membership or approved by the board. The meeting agendas that go out to the membership, at best 3 days before the meetings take place, provide almost zero information on what is going to be discussed or voted on. If I am voted in as Secretary, pilots will get a clear picture, on a regular basis, of everything going on behind the scenes. Detailed minutes of meetings will be taken, distributed to the membership and approved by the board.
The other thing I would like to bring to the board is the concept of a development of a plan for ALL that we do. I’m for informed and well thought out short and long term planning for current operations and for moving the club forward in general.
A vote for me is a vote for transparency and it is a vote for a reasonable level of planning in all of our operations.
March 25, 2023 at 11:55 AM #17599Jerome Daoust
General MemberThank you Jamie !
I wish other candidates would also post their motivations for their desired positions. Voting ballots are already out, but for those who already voted and want to change something, they can by asking Daniel Quick by Email to info@crestlinesoaring.org
Good flights, Jerome.
April 2, 2023 at 2:46 PM #17676Linda Salamone
General MemberOnly 17 more days left to vote!
I voted. How, you ask? Well…
Ed Wiggins in for President (write in) because of his experience on the board and his legal knowledge
Jana Pivkova for VP because she has no hidden agenda and was such an asset on the board in the past
Jamie Shelden for secretary for her knowledge of all things “secretary “ (the other nominee said he didn’t want the position – it’s on the video from the March 18 meeting)
Jeff Bether for treasurer because he performs this job perfectly
Luke Berger for site coordinator because he’s got IDEAS
Daniel Quick for communications because he’s very communicative
Tom Evans for safety director (write in) because we might get some info on incidents
and yours truly for events coordinator to get a fly-in and some gatherings on the calendar this year.
Its my understanding that our write-ins were inspired to volunteer due to some insight garnered at the last “executive board meeting “. You can watch Jana’s video of the revelations. I hope to have the opportunity to work alongside these individuals to preserve and improve our experience at Andy Jackson Airpark.
- again- you can request a new ballot if you’ve changed your mind.
April 2, 2023 at 9:31 PM #17685I regret not submitting my name sooner for consideration as CSS Safety Officer, but concern over our future and desire to serve has prompted me to throw my hat in the ring as a write-in candidate. I have been unusually busy this past year with high school teaching responsibilities, but this time commitment will be drastically reduced with the end of this school year enabling me to volunteer the time necessary to do this job well.
My free flight experience pales in comparison to Dan who has my utmost respect as a pilot and instructor, but my career in aviation allows me to offer other practical knowledge and experience that I believe will benefit the club. My start in free flight extends back to the dangerous 70’s when I built and flew hang gliders as a teenager. After college I served as a pilot in the Navy, then later as a bush pilot in Africa, and lastly as a pilot for California Fish and Game. I once served as a squadron safety officer and attended the Navy’s Aviation Safety school. I’m a McKenzie trained hang pilot with an USHPA H4 rating. I’ve over 17000 hours in the air with FAA ATP, CFII and A&P ratings.
I believe I understand the heart and soul of the free flight community and my priorities would be to keep the membership informed of recent mishaps, accident trends, TFR’s and other potential hazards.
As to the recent controversies concerning the future of CSS, I find the analysis of Tim Ward and Luke Berger to be well reasoned and compelling. I also firmly believe these important decisions must be decided by the membership.
Tom Evans
April 3, 2023 at 9:57 AM #17692It was suggested by someone in a separate communication that my military background and work as a professional pilot is a strong negative to the free flight community because of their strict regulatory nature. I can certainly understand this concern because one reason I love hang gliding is the freedom from the long list of regulations I so long had to endure! I do not believe we need more regulation in our sport, what we need are pilots with good judgment. To create that we must start with good training; then provide honest and thorough communication of accident trends and potential dangers; and then lastly, encourage a culture of safety by example. The end goal is simply to help pilots make their own wise decisions for their own safety and that of others.
I was also asked what I teach. I teach specialized aviation courses at a charter school for high school students desiring a career in aviation. This includes ground and flight instruction in simulators as well as building an RV-12 kit plane. If you care for more information on this please visit the below link:
Tom Evans
April 4, 2023 at 8:24 AM #17700Mario Miralles
General MemberTom, helping high school kids build an RV-12 plane is beyond cool!
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