Home Forums Weather & Weather Stations GEI Weather Animation

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  • #20618
    Ken Howells
    General Member

    The Crestline GEI Weather Loop is a webpage I made to collect the static weather info images from the GEI weather station at Crestline and present them as an animated GIF so one can get an idea of what the wind has been doing up there.

    The GEI (Airsites2000) station only updates 4 times an hour, with labels of 0, 10, 30, and 40 minutes after the hour.

    When GIE uploads those images varies up to several minutes AFTER 0, 10, 30, and 40 minutes after the hour. This means that the animated GIF gets updated after THAT.

    The Weather Loop page checks for an updated animated GIF every 3 minutes. A new GIF is started each day at midnight.

    The blank frame below appears at the start of the loop.


    Ken Howells
    General Member

    So I now have that animated gif and a graph on my homepagewind_speed_plot

    The wind speeds seem low but the direction is good.

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