Home Forums Weather & Weather Stations Hilary the storm

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  • #18768

    Sunday Aug 20, at sunset …

    How bad was Hilary , any damage to the clubhouse ?




    it appears that andy jackson airpark received 2.5 inches of rain, with wind gusts up to 30 mph yesterday.


    andy jackson airpark rain amounts

    andy jackson airpark wind speed

    Ken Howells
    General Member

    I live a few miles SE of AJX and all I had was hours of light, steady rain and light breezes. Rain only got hard enough to make noise for a few brief periods.  Runoff in the gutters on my  E-W street got to within 1.5″ of the tops of the curbs.


    David Webb
    General Member

    Sounds like you fared better than Dodger Stadium:


    EDIT: Looks like the photo above turned out to be an illusion, combined with sloppy reporting. Just looks like it’s surrounded by water due to the wet parking lot reflecting light in just the right way. Nothing to see here!

    Ken Howells
    General Member

    In the foul weather, yes.


    More hype than disaster. Got a foot or so in Crestline.

    Found this listing of WX events from the San Diego weather.gov site.  Lots of big events sim to this one.


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