Home Forums Pilot Reports Labor Day


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  • #20947
    Tom Swanson
    General Member

    Working on my camera settings. Fun day.

    9-2 Ben top landing9-2 David Jerome Darren9-2 David9-2 east9-2 late day9-2 on glide9-2 Pine9-2 R&R

    David Webb
    General Member

    Nice shots, Tom. Fun boating around with you all on a Monday.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    It was a day that allowed punching through the top of the inversion (around 5400′ late afternoon) and as we would go upwards through it at Billboard, the air suddenly felt cooler and drier along with a smoother climb (I saw 6400′). Going back & forth between Crestline and Pine, and dipping back down into the inverted  layer would give you a “warm embrace“.


    Bob Pobocik
    General Member

    Thanks Tom for sharing!  The fourth picture down I might use as my wallpaper on my i Pad.

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