Home Forums Pilot Reports pg pilot minor not major injuries

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  • #19708

    yesterdays pg pilot sustained a mere dislocated elbow and not leg, arm, back fracks, as supposed by witness account.


    Correct. I was told that the pilot came over the LZ too high, didn’t think he’d make the grass, and instead of going to the overshoot area to land safely, he unintentionally stalled his glider about 100-150ft and fell out of the sky with no pressure in the glider. It looked very bad to the witnesses present, but the pilot was extremely lucky to get away with just a dislocated elbow. It’s almost hard to believe.

    When landing at AJX, every pilot needs to make sure they lose enough altitude between the house and the grass before their final approach. If the pilot finds him/herself still too high over the grass, please keep going to the overshoot area next to the parking lot. Yes, landing on the grass is great, but if that means doing S-turns over the grass or flapping your glider without knowing your stall point, even a bush landing is safer than what you’re attempting.

    If any of you need help with the approach pattern, there are big posters explaining the approach patterns, as well as flyers you can take with you and study, located inside of a see-through plastic container, mounted to the shade structure wall. You may also ask any local pilot to help you understand it better.

    Lastly, if you are flying at AJX, you are absolutely REQUIRED to have a current membership of CSS and USHPA before your flight begins. You may choose a cheaper limited option, or choose the year-long option, but you MUST have it. Not following these simple rules while taking advantage of our facilities is extremely selfish and disrespectful to all members who are contributing and trying to make it a better place for all. If this is something you make a habit of, you are endangering our site and will not be welcomed back.

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