If you like PHI wings, there is a new one in the EN B category, fitting between the Low-Mid B Tenor (my impressions from 1-year ownership) and the High B Maestro (my impressions from a 4+ hour test flight). Not much info at this time, but here are some references…
PGF: New phi beat
Facebook: PHI: Welcome the new BEAT
As with any brand/model your heart desires, I can help you with the price, just ask by Email.
My reaction to the news: The Tenor had good performance for Low-Mid B, had more roll motion than most wings, easy/gentle (almost like an EN A wing) recovery from deflations. The Maestro had great performance as a High B, but dynamic deflation recoveries. Maybe this Beat will be a good blend and hit a sweet spot for many pilots, I would be up for testing it (if I can avoid committing to a purchase) as a possible replacement for my good-enough and relaxing Buzz Z6 (my impressions).