Home Forums Events & Projects Still no financial report for shade structure

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    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    How odd that the expenses and donations report for this massive undertaking has been swept under the rug.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Thanks for asking Linda, not a feel-good position, but it is appreciated.

    There is still a fair chance (I am hopeful) that the finances have remained separate between the club and the shade structure, which is to be funded separately as promised, but best to see it detailed. Also,  it will be good to see how much remains in funded donations towards future structure improvements, or if more fundraising is needed.

    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    Well we know they are not separate anymore since the treasurer stated “it’s all just one pile of money” and the “camping” fees have been diverted directly to the shade structure. As expenses for Gracie gas and upkeep grows- she’s been BUSY grading the new “camping” area- it seems lopsided that fees are going to a project that was promised to be separate. So strange that no one on the board has cleared this up. But they did raise annual dues🧐 Too bad we aren’t being paid to receive dirt for which the excavator company would normally have to pay.

    can’t wait for those “meeting minutes”! 😜

    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    the Jai Pal slush fund-I mean the financial report on the shade structure- where is it?
    Shade is truly shady.

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member


    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    Oh dang! I guess if you can post a photo like that, it doesn’t matter how it’s being funded at all. 🧐

    Mark Hoffmann
    General Member

    Thanks Linda…  after flying on 8/11/2022 i heard a PG pilot tell Frank Havermeyer the the AstroTurf is only for paraglider pilots and that HG pilots should not pack away their wings or harness stuff on it :) to funny!

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    “Oh dang! I guess if you can post a photo like that, it doesn’t matter how it’s being funded at all.”

    You see Linda, even at night it is shadowy.

    As you were


    Is it time for a search warrant and raid?



    Jonathan said :

    You see Linda, even at night it is shadowy.

    As you were

    I have spent some Alone-time with Linda ; she is a Smart, articulate

    and a totally Awesome woman , and I’m Proud to call her a Friend !!!



    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    For Bille…

    I believe Jonathan said “As you were” like they say in the military, meaning “return to what you were doing before”, and not implying anything about Linda’s character. It would have been different if he said “as you are“.

    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    No, Dan, it’s just time for the BOD to do it’s job.

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