Home Forums Pilot Reports Sunday March 9 2025 – Easterly

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    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Today had a significant Easterly wind component, which changed the game on where to find lift. I launched around 4 pm and almost sank out to the LZ before finding lift over it, taking me to 6600′. In company of David and Jana, I visited the KCal towers next to Hwy 18 and landed after a 2 hr 30 min flight. Good turnout of pilots.

    David’s new wing over Marshall…IMG_2326_DeHazed_WebSize

    and later over the KCal towers (next to Hwy 18) to the East of Marshall…IMG_2346_Dehazed_WebSize

    There was some air traffic: First a helicopter flying below some of us and directly over Marshall launch. Then I could almost make out the people on this heavy one…IMG_2353_Dehazed_Cropped

    David Webb
    General Member

    Thanks to Jerome for the photo shoot :).  Here’s my favorite of the day, with the full moon:



    Also got to enjoy a snow launch from Crestline at 9AM, with smooth, mellow conditions and light ridge soaring on the back (before everything went all east). Was still cold enough that nothing got wet while setting up.


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