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    I just got over a Serious bout with Covid-19 ; it nearly, took me out !

    I was in good shape, non smoker, exercised every day , and took

    Vitiman D, zinc, and other required supplements, for old people.

    On Aug-3, i got a bad headache ; body temp, went to 101-F. the next day

    the temp was spiking to over 103-F. Friday the 7’th, i got tested for


    Monday the 10’th , it was obvious, that i was gonna need some help

    to get through thus alive ; so i called the VA, and was informed that

    there was nothing  they could do, without a positive corona test result.

    I was on my own … …

    By the 11’th, blood was leaking from in my urine, stool, nasal cavity, and i’m

    spitting blood from my lungs. Temp was spiking to over 104.5F and i’d jump

    into the cold shower, every time it happened.

    I had to hang on rather Tight , to remain in control ; was afraid to go

    to sleep, out of fear, i wasn’t ever gonna wake up , and stayed in that

    condition till the 15’th. That is when the fever broke, and the blood stopped

    flowing from All my  body orphus. That same afternoon, i got a letter

    from the VA, stating i Was positive for corona 19 ; and was eligible

    to come in for treatment , (now that i Did Not need them).


    You guys — listen to me :

    You do “NOT” want to catch this bug ; if your over 60. Don’t listen

    to any Crap some dumb-Ass with a wanna be brain has to say ; this fricken

    thing , “IS” dangerous !!!



    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Thank you for sharing Billie, I’m so glad you pulled through.

    Hearing from people we know that were affected, makes it feel more real.


    Jerome said : “makes it feel more real.”

    And this is as real as it gets :

    Slowly suffocating , while drowning in a pool of your

    own blood ; it is a truly Horrific way to die !  It almost

    happened to me last week.



    Albert Sharp
    General Member

    Glad you made it out the other side Billie.  The infection rate is low and death rate lower, but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen.  And may happen to those we know and care about.

    The times I have chosen to fly, I have chosen to maintained my distance on launch, and upon landing I packed and left immediately.  I miss socializing with everyone at the LZ, but I don’t think now is the best time so I have chosen not to.

    We must be free to make our own choices.  But I would encourage everyone to be good humans and to be cognizant of how your choices may effect others.

    Be safe everyone.

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