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    David Webb
    General Member

    Hopefully everyone’s noticed already, but the Windgrams have not been regenerated for several days now (we pull these directly from the soaring predictor website). Not sure when they will be available again, but be sure to make note of the day at the top of the windgram when making your forecast evaluations.

    The other RASP data seems to still be updating (such as the table here: http://www.soaringpredictor.info/scal/SouthCalPredictor.htm).

    Alan Crouse
    General Member


    System went down while I was away…  We’re back running again this morning.


    David Webb
    General Member

    Awesome! Thanks Alan.

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    Saturday Update:

    NOMADS users,

    The data center network maintenance that took place on 10/22 has caused many unexpected issues. Beginning early today our system admins began to troubleshoot reports of both the Opendap and Grib Filter services being unresponsive. Unfortunately, with the complexity of the issues within the data center, the team was unable to restore the services. At this time, both OpenDap and Grib Filter services are down. We will continue to persevere through this incredibly impactful outage and work as quickly as we can to recover NOMADS.

    As a mitigation to the broken services, users can still download full files over https. Or leverage the idx files with the fast downloading method, explained here:


    We appreciate the impact this outage is having on our users, and apologize for the disruption.

    Carissa Klemmer
    NCEP Central Operations
    IDSB Branch Chief


    Late Friday Update:

    NOMADS-FTPPRD list <ncep.list.nomads-ftpprd@lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov>Unsubscribe
    To:_NCEP list.nomads-ftpprd

    Fri, Oct 23 at 8:21 PM

    The team has been working all day but were unable to find the root cause of the GEFS and NAM problems that are preventing them from being on NOMADS. This data will be out over the weekend, with restoration planned for Monday.

    They are still available via HTTPS and FTP on FTPPRD here:


    We will be standing down for now and resuming at 12UTC Monday. We apologize for the impact this is having to your scientific endeavors, and look forward to getting this fixed.

    Thank you.

    Anne Myckow
    Dataflow Team Lead


    From NOAA…

    NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd mailing list


    Our engineers continue to work to restore NOMADS to full operational capability. At this time the NAM and GEFS remain unavailable. We will notify users when all issues are resolved.

    Carissa Klemmer
    NCEP Central Operations
    IDSB Branch Chief


    – RASP/Windgrams use NAM.


    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    NCEP reports they are back in operation with only slight delays in providing files last night.


    David Webb
    General Member

    That’s great news, Alan. Appreciate your follow-up.

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    PC used to process RASP and Windgrams died this morning with a dramatic fireworks popping noise.

    Down for the foreseeable future…

    SoaringPredictor charts are processed separately and will continue.


    David Webb
    General Member

    Bummer Alan! 2020 claims another victim – it will be sorely missed.

    I’ve switched the Windgrams on the weather page over to the ones being generated by the FlyMarshall site. I wish I could read the lift values at the top, but I hear those windgrams have been fairly well received by quite a few pilots.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Can we setup a fundraiser for a replacement PC, or maybe someone has one not in use ?

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    Thanks, but the shade structure needs it more…  This is mostly a matter of time.


    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Thanks for the good work Alan. Let us know if there is a way to help.



    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    Progress as a new power supply brought life back into the RASP machine.  Also getting disk errors so work continues…


    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    We’re back… actually been running off and on for the last week at the usual site (soaringpredictor.com or soaringpredictor.info).  I was ready to call it ‘done’ when my hosting provider decided to migrate my site to a new server “to improve stability and performance”.  A couple of extra days to recover from that.

    Anyway,  timing was pretty fortunate as it all happened in the same period.  New power supply, new disk drive and server migration completed.


    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    BTW, found the bug that was preventing display of Soundings in the RaspViewer from anything other than the current day.  It has been corrected and will start working as soon as my hosting service restarts the Apache web server.

    – Alan

    David Webb
    General Member

    Thanks again, Alan, for the perseverance!

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