Home Forums Events & Projects New Shade Structure Member Input (Wishlist) Reply To: New Shade Structure Member Input (Wishlist)

Jerome Daoust
General Member

We are getting ahead of ourselves with planning the finalization of a roof, before a decision on the layout (where the structures should be located). Members should vote on their favorite layout option, a few examples…

1) Zero hard structure or shade in the LZ. All structures (classroom, clubhouse, fridge and vending machine, HG storage) located off the LZ at the N end of the LZ, and buried so their top is level with LZ.

2) Same as 1st option, but allow a small shade area (for spectators) in NW corner of LZ.

3) Everything (except HG storage) on top of the LZ and in its NW corner. Reduced landing area, more turbulence, increased landing pattern conflicts.