Home Forums Events & Projects Shade Structure Design Selection – Time to Vote! Reply To: Shade Structure Design Selection – Time to Vote!

Linda Salamone
General Member

Jimmy! I love it. I’ll be asking for a re-ballot. Thank you for taking the time to be thorough.


just an FYI- a comment from a club member who is not able to post here. This was made in response to previous comments.


”This is supremely toxic management of the club’s building project.  I hope the general club population sees this as what it is, obsession, hypocrisy, incompetence, and a toxic inflated ego.  Functional management would be 1. Inside the specific shade structure cash budget  2.  Not instantly back shooting anyone else’s suggestion 3 building on positive input and accepting any and all outside suggestions with gratitude and alignment with cost cutting and club member participation, mentioning labor and material contributions, commitments by name, keeping a published record of who’s going to do what, when. People like to be involved and see their names in context of a group project.  ”