Home Forums Pilot Alerts & TFRs Redlands Airport- Aerobatics Competition Sep. 3-5, 2021 Reply To: Redlands Airport- Aerobatics Competition Sep. 3-5, 2021

Jonathan Dietch
General Member

NOTAM #: 08/072

!RAL 08/072 REI AIRSPACE AEROBATIC AREA WI AN AREA DEFINED AS 1NM RADIUS OF 380526N1170909W (.3NM N REI) SFC-6500FT DLY 1400-0220 2109031400-2109060220

BTW – The coordinates listed are for Tonopah AP and NOT Redlands Muni. I spoke to Larry at the city of Redlands and he said he’ll pass along the error to the AP mgr and get it corrected. I made sure to ID myself as their friendly local HG FWIW. :-D