Home Forums Pilot Reports Fun Feb 16, 2020 Reply To: Fun Feb 16, 2020


Wow, awesome! Such a good feeling to get that save. 🙌

So far I’ve only had that happen to me once, where I was getting ready to land and then found something at the last minute to take me back up to 4,000 ft. 😄

I had a pretty good flight Sunday myself! I got 1.5 hours and never got sick, but the sun was getting low and it got too cold for me to try and stay up longer. Here’s my GPS track

Oh….ANNNNDDD….. I was thermaling with a red tailed hawk for the very first time!!! He was so close to me at eye-level (maybe like 5 yards away) and we were doing circles together. Damn I wish I had a GoPro on my head that day. Hopefully next time! It was so magical! 🦅😍