Home Forums Pilot Reports 4/16/21 – Onshore Friday

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  • #11975
    Ken Howells
    General Member

    Fun hour-fifteen flight from Crestline with a Sport 3 155 in surprisingly chilly and breezy onshore Friday before the weekend North winds. Launched from Crestline at 2:25, gained immediately in bumpy air. Got to 6,300 at Pine 20 minutes later but mostly flew lower to stay warm. Was near the LZ after 45 minutes, decided to fly a bit more. Caught an easy thermal from the 750 to 5,300 and dashed to Crestline before diving back out to land at AJX. Gusty at the LZ, straight West veering to SW, made for some busy landing approaches.

    Others from the van-load flew up to 3 hours, I heard.

    GoPro battery ran out after 30 minutes (as expected) but new microSD card didn’t hang. :)





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