Home Forums Newbie Pilots A return to hang gliding…

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  • #18818
    Eric Muss-Barnes
    General Member

    300 members without a single forum post in the “Newbie Pilots” section?
    Well, I’m happy to be the first!
    I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself.
    I’m a Hang I, returning to the sport after aerotowing in Michigan, 22 years ago.
    I’ve spent all this summer on the dunes of Dockweiler, racking up about 180 launches under my belt.
    Hoping to practice a few flights on the Andy Jackson training hill this weekend, since the temperature will finally be less than 146 degrees.
    Should be fun!
    Perhaps I’ll see some of you out there.
    Take care!


    Hi Eric ; I’m another Erich , with a Bille in front !! You bet  the chances are good ; your gonna see me soon.

    I’m the  old fart , that walks on 2 fake legs , and enjoys flying both Hg , and PG ; but sucks on both !! LOL


    Eric Muss-Barnes
    General Member

    I’m the  old fart , that walks on 2 fake legs , and enjoys flying both Hg , and PG ; but sucks on both !! 

    Hello, Bille. You launch hang gliders and paragliders with fake legs? Impressive!
    Since the beach spoiled me with steady 6MPH to 13MPH winds making launching and landing so easy, I was nervous that low wind flights may be a challenge.
    But if you run fast enough to launch the AJX training hill with fake legs, I have no excuse!

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