Home Forums Website Help & Suggestions Associate Membership Missing


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    Hi, trying to buy an associate membership, but there is no button to sign up or add it to the cart.

    The image below is what I see when logged in.



    Too many people were buying the associate membership who werent qualified for it. It is for those people related to full regular members, such as spouse, son daughter, living in same household. Like Masayo, Majo, Noel and perhaps another one or two whom I’m not personally familiar.

    Ordinarily CSS has only ~3 to 5 associate members, after membership signups went online, that jumped up to 40. Hmmm.  A look at the list of those associate members led to the conclusion that the online store wasnt coded well enough to prevent it from being gamed.  It might be getting rewritten.

    Maybe the description of that membership class wasnt explained well enough, I dunno.

    David Webb
    General Member

    “wasn’t coded well enough to prevent it from being gamed.”

    No one ever asked for / mentioned any kind of need for verification of associate member signups.


    Not sure how my wife is to renew her membership then if your not listing the associate membership.

    Sent an email to info@crestlinesoaring.org

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    “wasn’t coded well enough to prevent it from being gamed.”

    No one ever asked for / mentioned any kind of need for verification of associate member signups.

    No good deed goes unpunished!
    The beatings will continue until morale improves!

    There’s no YOU in TEAM!


    Not on you Dave Webb. We just didnt anticipate that happening.

    Chris, I’ve asked the CSS (not Webb) webmaster looking into it. He will be contacting you.

    The signup should be fixed up pretty soon so associates can sign up.


    Thanks Dan.  I will keep an eye out for the email. I did send one to info@crestlinesoaring.org with more information if that helps.


    Hi, had not heard anything yet and membership expires soon.


    I’ve been an associate member for three years.  I live in Colorado, and only make it out there once or twice a year.  How many of those 40 associates are out of state memberships?


    Tom, If youre only visiting here couple times per year, you’d be better off buying a monthly every visit.


    The club is better off if I buy the associates membership.  I am more likely to donate additional funds if I am a member instead of a visiting pilot.   Renewals automatically come to me.

    All my home sites are public land.  I don’t need a club to fly, but I am a member of several clubs, that I visit at best once a year, because I want to see the sport survive and thrive.  I am better off that way.

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