Home Forums Pilot Reports Flyable After All – 26 Feb. 2021

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  • #11417
    Ken Howells
    General Member

    During the week the forecast went back-and-forth showing onshore and then offshore for Friday and Saturday. Finally Friday morning it showed onshore for Friday and a lot of people took advantage of it, even people traveling from out of state.


    The paragliders had been circling above Marshall for a long time, doing fine. I launched from the 750 about two o’clock and got above launch briefly. Had a fun 10 minutes of scratching lower and lower.  Landed into light SW.

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Friday was indeed a good day which carried me from Marshall to 7300′ at Mill Peak in Arrowbear but alas I left too low and arrived below Keller Peak too low to catch the thermals leaving me with a glide that was beyond the performance of a Sport 3 155 & cocoon harness to get over the Seven Oaks Dam. I landed in a safe area behind and hitched a ride with two young men from Hemet who were out exploring. I was back at my vehicle at 7PM. I rewarded them appropriately. On the way I teamed up with Scott on his S3-155, Bruce on his Swift Light and Michael on his ARCHAEOPTERYX. I’ll post the new video when it’s ready.

    2021-02-26 Crestline Seven Oaks Dam S3-155b

    144028 Michael Tome


    2021-02-26 LZ North-

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member
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