Home Forums Website Help & Suggestions Got charged twice for CSS dues

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  • #16061

    I joined CSS today , and got charged $125 , Twice .

    Could someone tell the treasurer , to remove one of those payments please ?



    I Emailed the treasurer (contacts for board members) for you, but…

    Did you select the Deluxe package? I was tempted… Help for glider setup and breakdown (once per day), walk to the head of the queue when ready to launch, other pilots will clear the thermal when you arrive, and you can land on of the full width of the LZ.

    The Platinum package (3x basic membership) seemed a bit much for me: Only adding cold beer (up to 2/day) to the Deluxe package.


    @ Jerome

    LOL ; that was Funny !!

    The Delux package would be worth the investment ; if pilots would stay clear of my thermals !

    However : I do enjoy the connection, with a knowledgeable thermal pilot, (HG or PG) ; and gaining a bunch of altitude !!!

    Lets talk about the Beer again please ?




    It will be taken care of ; Thanks !


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