Home Forums Events & Projects Help rake the LZ


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    Tim Ward
    General Member

    I need some help with the LZ.

    Someone came and turned donuts in the middle of our already-stressed grass.

    I’ve got scars from three major plumbing malfunction repairs around the edges.

    The sprinklers are now working, and with time, I’m sure the grass will come back.

    But I would like to make the LZ a little flatter, so I can mow it without bouncing my guts out, and to get the rocks turned up by the repairs pushed over the edge.

    There’s nothing difficult or exacting to do, there’s just a lot of it.

    So if you can show up on Sunday, Sept 27, some time in the morning, preferably with a garden rake, please RSVP by replying with the approximate time you can be there.

    Many hands make light work.

    Bob Pobocik
    General Member

    Hey Tim,  I got a rake and work gloves I haven’t been using.  So, I’m game for some early morning manual labor to smooth out the LZ.  It’s looking to be hot this weekend so a couple hours early is key for me.



    Bob Pobocik


    >>Someone came and turned donuts in the middle of our already-stressed


    It’s a Bummer, how some people are !! Same thing happened at a park

    in Las Vegas ; now it has a steel fence around the perimeter, at a

    cost of Thousands of dollars , to the tax payers.



    Tim Ward
    General Member

    Anyone else?

    Gene says he’ll give a ride to the 350 for PGs that come out and work.

    The 350 is on Cross-country Ranch property, not National Forest, so that would be legal.

    Wesley Bruns
    General Member

    Hi Tim – I can make it over there Sunday morning. I will bring a rake or shovel and I plan to be there around 7 or 8. My cell is 714-803-7813.

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