Home Forums Events & Projects Hike to 750 and fly to Marshall game

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    The “Hike to 750 and fly to Marshall” game: Hike from the LZ, launch from the 750 and climb to make a pass near Marshall launch (top landing not required to promote safety).

    Tomorrow (Saturday Jan 2) seems perfect to play the game… Temperature will be cool for hiking, enough challenge with light wind to require finding a thermal (mostly sunny predicted), and limited max altitude predicted of just above Marshall (not missing out on an epic XC day).

    If you want to join me, I will arrive at the LZ around 10:30am, and start hiking before 11 am, to be at the 750 launch before noon (slow hike). Succeeding feels great, and bombing out builds character. Maybe you will be first to win the game in 2021.


    I failed miserably. Around noon a handful of pilots launched as conditions changed from sunny to cloudy. Most were rewarded with a slow climb in front and tagged Marshall. Ben may have been the first, congratulations! My plan was to wait until 1pm, for the sunnier conditions forecasted, but the weather decided the opposite and it just got cloudier. Earlier pilots in flight were sinking out as I decided a now-or-never launch, seeing no sun in my near future, and promptly sank to the LZ.

    At 2:10pm, Gene provided a ride up to Regionals, for a group of us seeking more fulfilment. I launched at 2:50pm, groveled on the spine below Cloud and then slowly climbed in light lift to 5200′ under cloudy skies. Transitioned to Marshall which was surprisingly better this late in the day, climbing to 5600′ in light SE wind. Glided back to Crestline, where I recovered to 5000′ at Billboard before heading back in front and landed after an 80 min flight. Happiness filled me once again.

    Nice to see a good turnout of hikers and lots of pilots enjoying this first flyable day of the year.


    Thank you for posting the challenge! It got us out of the house and trying something new. Didn’t really participate in the challenge itself, but it was great to experience that whole hike n’ fly thing I’ve heard so much about. 😆 Took it too far (all the way to Regionals) and missed the good launching window.

    It was nice to be able to get a ride back up with Gene, though we sunk out again! Next time I’m following you. 😁




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