Home Forums Safety Incident Report: PG Front Range Rotor, April 25, 2020

  • Author
  • #8111
    David Webb
    General Member

    Incident Summary

    On April 25th @ 18:00, pilot was paragliding close to Regionals Launch. When attempting to join other pilots in a nearby thermal, pilot got too low behind the front ridge, encountered sink and rotor, and landed in dense bushes (no reserve deployment). Additional details from local news report here.


    Weather was clear and warm. At 18:00, Marshall Peak Launch weather station reported SW winds @ approximately 10mph. Moderate thermal activity, as other pilots were thermalling nearby.

    Emergency or Medical Response

    Pilot was in radio communication with other pilots. Pilot was not injured, but due to the dense vegetation, required helicopter extraction. San Bernardino County Fire was called and requested assistance for helicopter hoist rescue. Pilot was extracted @ 20:55, assessed at a nearby staging area, and released at the scene with no injuries reported.


    No injuries.

    Pilots Involved

    Paraglider Pilot (P2)

    Root Cause

    Rotor from front range causing loss of control of glider too close to terrain.

    Proximate Cause

    Pilot did not allow for adequate altitude and terrain clearance behind front range.

    Corrective Action

    Pilot to review terrain clearance safety margins and terrain-generating conditions (rotor, thermal activity, etc) with instructor.

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