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    David Webb
    General Member

    New AJX weather station went online yesterday. With horror, I watched the temperature readings throughout the day climb over 100F (someone needs to turn down the heat).

    In case anyone missed it, we now have 2 Holfuy weather stations, which are cellular and solar-powered (fully self-contained). More details for those that are interested on their website. These stations feed the gauges and graphs on the CSS website (along with the station on Crestline), but if you want alternative methods of looking at the data, you can try out their mobile app (iOS or Android), or check out each of the station pages on the Holfuy site (Marshall Peak and AJX). Here are a couple of screenshots from the iOS mobile app:


    Will be working on incorporating temperature readings and wind gusts into the graphs (a challenge to keep things easy to see at smaller/mobile screen sizes), so that’s in the works.

    We are also now able to contribute our weather data to larger weather models, which is pretty neat. Data gets pushed directly from the station up to Holfuy. From there, the CSS website retrieves it once per minute, and it’s also pushed out to Synoptic Data, which feeds things such as Mesowest and some of the national weather models, and Windguru/Weatherunderground.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Great timing, but appears to be some kind of website issue with the weather station vendor. Working with them to get it resolved asap. Temporarily switched back to the old Marshall station.


    Thanks David for investing time and energy into this, while posting your progress here.

    You are validating the “Nothing of great value in this life comes easily” mantra.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Update: issue was a network outage with hologram (SIM card provider that enables the cellular connection to TMobile and ATT), not the station, or the station vendor’s site. Their services are coming back online gradually now, so should be up anytime. Link to hologram’s status page, for those that are interested:


    They’ll get the 3 strike rule – 2 more and we’ll look at switching providers.

    Albert Sharp
    General Member

    I always get excited when I see data across all three stations on the website.

    Thanks to everyone for their efforts!

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