Home Forums Pilot Reports May 29th – Better Than Forecast

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  • #12781
    Ken Howells
    General Member

    Got a ride to Crestline from Dan DeWeese and launched around 4:30. Easy ridge lift with the Sport 2 155. Shot up to 5,800 at Billboard and went over to Pine; no great thermals there, but buoyant as heck.

    Later I was gliding from Last Chance to Marshall Peak before going in to land and a thermal at Cloud Peak took me to 5,500 so I shot back to Crestline, losing 300 feet along the way. Dove back out and landed into switchy  strong straight W to weak SW conditions.

    Hero 2 in lo-res mode lasted the whole flight :) Shaky, grainy video to come.

    Here’s a shot of the LZ and crowded parking lot.  Some pilots in the LZ had completed the contest task, more were still on course. Many folks were up at the pond already, I think.



    Ken Howells
    General Member

    Video of the flight.



    It was great to see many pilots in the air late afternoon. I got my PG fix with 3 hr 10 min and up to 6100′. After launching from Marshall around 4:25pm I struggled to get a comfortable altitude for gliding back to Crestline, and settled with 5700′, but only 200′ was lost during the transition.

    Buoyant indeed.

    Mark Hoffmann
    General Member

    Ken >> wingingitoveragainisee :)

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