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    The cart says I have an active membership already ; no option for a renewal .

    How do I renew my membership ; before it runs out ?



    David Webb
    General Member

    Hi Billie,

    I just looked in the member directory, and it looks like you’re paid up until July next year (2024). 2 weeks before your renewal, you’ll get a nag email with a link to renew. If you want to renew before that email gets to you, there’s a page under your account that shows your “subscriptions,” with a button to renew it.


    Thanks David ; I had No idea that I’d already paid in advance !!

    Looking forward to flying with everyone , for another year ; yea

    that even includes you HG schmucks !!! LOL




    I did pay twice last year , and knew Full well that Jeff had sent me a refund check in the mail ; I was broke and kept my mouth shut.

    Last night , I had mentioned this to a club member , and he donated 2/3’rd of my club membership to me , (Great Guy) !!!!!


    I’d like to put that cash in the club general fund, and I will pay the

    balance when i return with my HG, next month.



    June 30, Edit :

    All has bin taken care of …


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