Home Forums Pilot Reports Monday, April 25 2022 – Happy Altitudes

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  • #15040
    David Webb
    General Member

    Day seemed to have it all – good altitudes, smooth climbs that got stronger as they got higher, low saves, views of the dam, and exciting landings. I flew my trusty ION 6 (low B) to the dam and landed there after getting too low in trashy air. 1:12 flight time and 7500′ max altitude. Others aimed for an out-and-back to Harrison and saw over 9k. Fun day all around.

    Track Log.


    Thanks David, for compiling our tracks into an animation.

    Different winds at different altitudes: Near the end of my flight, at 9k I was getting 8 mph from East, and 17 mph from the West just before landing.

    This was my choice for an LZ in Highlands after a partial return from Cram Peak (past the dam)…2022_04_25_Field_used_as_LZ

    David Webb
    General Member

    Pic of my humble LZ for the day:


    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    It was an epic day. Many great flights including I believe a a new PG out and return record.
    2022-04-25 XCFind

    I launched after 5PM and still had a nice flight. SnapShot(0)

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