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    Ha ha nice! I appreciate the feedback. And Janna, I  will definitely be taking your advice.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Hi Mitch,

    I replied to your email, but replying here as well in case anyone else had the same questions.

    This was an email blast sent to all members (past and current – anyone who has signed up on the site). You are not being singled out.

    Since the approach pattern and which sides PGs and HGs need to stick to when landing is a recurring issue, we’re trying to get this information in front of as many pilots that fly here as possible. Purely informational.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    I propose to the board that there be no rules applicable to “Super Pilots“.

    When Chrigel Maurer visits our humble LZ, he can do touch-and-go’s on all 4 corners before settling on a spot to drop his wing, where the grass will forever stay green.

    There is a precedent for this in other areas. For example on the road, no ticket if you have Mario Andretti in your car. I also doubt Scarlett Johansson spends much time waiting in line anywhere.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    I thought nobody would seriously consider my request for a “no rules for Super Pilots“, it had a different purpose. Glad to explain in person if desired.


    PG pilot, 3d flight off instruction, flying west along the eucalyptus, encounters a touch of sink then descends into the base leg of the hg approach. HG pilot, also brand new, up to the brim with anxiety, eyes just left the slope indicator and turning base leg suddenly see this pg in front of him. He’s thinks he’s too low to make the field by going around either left or right.  He’s mistaken, of course, but he’s never considered this situation and now, thrust into this, he’s overwhelmed. The shade structure judges all offer up opinion, some yell commands but the sounds blend in the the helmets wind noise.

    Mid air? Close call? Stall, dive, fatality? Double fatal tangle dive? No way to tell. By placing both in the same path for sure pushes the probability of it being a here and now and us, instead of over there, then, and them.

    If I can para-phrase Patton, Let that other dumb son of a bitch die doing what he loves. I and mine want to make it home for dinner.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Time for the daily nag about the approach pattern – this time with visual aids.

    Recently received a real-world example involving 2 pilots approaching at the same time. Perfectly illustrates why sticking to the approach pattern (and keeping PG and HG traffic separate) is so important. HG approach in black and PG approach in red:


    If the HG didn’t drastically alter his approach (and they mentioned that they were already pushing it to make the LZ with the amount of altitude they had left) – and that assumes that the pilot would have the skills to make such an alteration in their approach – that whole area in the northeast corner of the LZ would have been mid-air central.

    Please please please – whatever wing you fly – stick to the approach and keep an eye out for your fellow pilots.


    Did anyone speak to this pg pilot about the extreme danger he created by making such a ridiculous approach?  Flying and landing at Marshall/Crestline just continues to get more dangerous due to pilots refusing to follow simple rules.  Maybe there will be a wake up call when someone dies.  I’m considering just starting to use the McAleer lz to the west of AJX.  No grass but far safer..

    David Webb
    General Member

    Bo – yes, the HG pilot talked to him right after the event, and he’s been warned in the past as well.

    A topic to be discussed at the next board meeting will be a proposed update to the bylaws to include specific language about violations (progression of club response to repeat offenders, requirements for that progression like witnesses and documentation, and appropriate corrective actions). It seems to be one of our most recurring (and more dangerous) issues, so it seems like more clear-cut language might be in order.

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