Home Forums Weather & Weather Stations New Weather Station Graphs

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  • #11515
    David Webb
    General Member

    Been doing some experimentation with a new charting library, trying to improve upon the current weather station graphs.

    The format is very similar to the current one, with a few additions:

    • Sunrise and sunset are now shown on the graph
    • Graph data is zoomable (for example, if you’re on your phone, you don’t have to zoom the whole screen – you can zoom the graph itself to see finer detail)
    • Gusts are shown
    • Popup balloons have been removed (I liked them, but agree with some that they get in the way if you are pinch zooming on a phone)

    Feedback is appreciated. Still have a bit of testing to do with them, but if something jumps out as being crappy or annoying, or if you think they are an improvement on the current one, let me know.


    Very readable. I like it.

    Marc Deschenes
    General Member

    Sunrise/sunset and gusts are great additions. Aesthetically, not liking the bottom of the graph. Too dark. To my eye, the background should be consistent above and below the graph lines, the way it is with the temperature. The dark shade adds an extra element that doesn’t serve a function.

    Marc Deschenes
    General Member

    David, congratulations on winning Website of the Year.
    (Top of page 18 in the new magazine, for those who haven’t read about it.)

    David Webb
    General Member

    That’s fair. Dark wind speed fill has been swapped out for something lighter, and a few other small adjustments have been made. Let me know what you think.


    Thank you David, definite improvements being made. My suggestions…WX_Graph_Comments

    David Webb
    General Member

    Copy that – will try out a few more adjustments early next week.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Made some adjustments, by request – no more fill on the wind speed/direction, darker gust line, etc.

    David Webb
    General Member

    New graphs are now live. I appreciate the feedback that I’ve gotten from some of you. Hopefully these are a step forward (I think so). Also – nothing is set in stone, so feel free to post any additional comments/requests here if you think something could be better.

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