Home Forums Gear Nova Mentor 7 is almost here

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    The “cat is out of the bag”… Facebook > Close-to-production Mentor 7. Read more about it on: PGF > Is there a Mentor 7 on the way?. And I can help you get one at a discounted price, just ask by Email. There is a nice selection of recent high B’s at the moment, with this one adding to the recent Rush 6 and Chili 5. Mentor7_NearProduction


    A presentation by Théo de Blic at the Stubai Cup.  (<– This is a link)

    2-1/2 liner. Designed to also be flown with speed system engaged, The rear riser have handles which also activate the B risers. Light version available before the regular. Intended to produce the feel of a C wing in flight, but with B safety.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Here are several more videos from the Stubai Cup (new harnesses and wings from various manufacturers).


    Jerome said :

    “… Intended to produce the feel of a C wing in flight, but with B safety. …”


    Kinda like the Gin Carrera   ? I Really Liked that glider ; busted through the inversion layer 4 times, and never once had a collapse of any kind , on that borrowed glider ! It was my first go , with a PG that had Shark-nose ; and everyone knows how turbulent it is , breaking up through an inversion layer !!

    Does this new Nova , have shark nose ?




    Hi Bille. Many manufacturers have the equivalent to Ozone’s “shark nose”, but with design variations and call it differently. So the Gin Carrera you flew must have called its leading edge design by a different marketing name.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Page for the light version is now on the NOVA site here. Since it’s a “2 1/2 liner,” they recommend using a B3 stall instead of big ears, which produces a swept-wing configuration. Supposedly, this gives a more stable configuration and more sink than big ears. Interesting video on that here.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Video from Theo de Blic, performing a few maneuvers/collapses on the Mentor 7 Light.

    David Webb
    General Member

    New short review of the Mentor 7 Light:

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