Home Forums Events & Projects Paul Garnet

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    It is with a heavy heart I bring the news of losing a pilot loved by many from our site’s early years.

    Paul had come to me in 1985 for a tandem introductory flight. He was 11. He wanted to be a hang glider pilot. His parents said ok but that he had to pay for it himself. 3 summer job years later he arrived back at the airpark with the hard earned funds and joined the CSS flying community.

    Paul was also a special giving person who ran full speed to help others. Before that first tandem he had saved his baby brothers life by diving into the family swimming pool pulling the motionless body of the little boy from the bottom of the pool, performed CPR which he had learned in cub scouts until paramedics arrived.

    Paul was so inspired by the paramedics that took over the CPR and saved his brother that he (Paul) spent his life as a paramedic eventually being part of a helicopter rescue service in Alaska.

    One of my greatest pleasures in life has been following this great human on his life journey.

    God’s speed “Little Paul”. You had the biggest heart.





    First 2 pics, Paul’s first tandem,  age 11.

    3rd pic, Paul is solo on his own Comet at 14 years.


    Paul comes back from Alaska years later to visit his old flying site at the new LZ. Screenshot_2022-03-27-11-49-45~2

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Sorry to hear you lost a friend long before his time.

    Ken Howells
    General Member

    My deep condolences to Paul Garnet’s wife and son, family and loved ones. He had an amazing combination of big-heartedness, can-do spirit, and goal-oriented focus. Such a loss, ‘Gone too soon’ doesn’t even begin to express it.

    I was a new pilot when Paul came along and I was immediately struck by his cool confidence and lack of arrogance. He even tolerated Rob & Di calling him ‘Little Paul’ with aplomb. I recall vividly both of us ridge soaring Crestline, I with my blue Lite Dream 185 and he with his brown Raven 149, back and forth, seeing who could get higher. I knew this kid was going places, and go places he did!

    He said he was going to be a paramedic and before we knew it he was crewing an ambulance out of Riverside, easing people’s suffering and no doubt saving lives. Then he was off to Alasaka to do that and more, contending with conditions far more challenging than mild SoCal. He married his lovely wife and raised their son like his own, built a home from the ground up. Took what he learned building his house and got into construction services. Along the way he learned to paraglide, flew trikes, flew bush planes and made part of his living doing those things, even teaching a few people to fly flex wings and providing them with gliders through his Wills Wing dealership.

    If anyone ever took ‘High Adventure’ to heart, it was Paul.
    Paul Garnet LIVED.

    Mark Hoffmann
    General Member

    Paul and i shared a lot of hiking/mountaineering/rock climbing adventures . He loved the outdoors more than me which is tough to do… MAH Paul G Palisades 004

    MAH Paul G Palisades 024

    MAH Paul G Palisades 032

    MAH Paul G Palisades 039

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    MAH Paul G Palisades 061


    “It does not matter how long you live, but how well you do it.”

    ― Martin Luther King Jr.


    With friends like those above, Paul was a lucky man.


    The gofundme for funeral:



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