Home Forums Pilot Reports Saturday May 14, 2022 – Out-and-Back

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  • #15280
    David Webb
    General Member

    Was truly an awesome day yesterday. Had one of my best flights yet – my second highest (maxed out at 8480′ over Arrowhead), second longest XC distance (27.2 miles), and longest in the saddle (5:10 flight time). My first out-and-return to Harrison. Saw several pilots out there on the trip – good mix of hangs and PGs, and way too many aircraft. I got a couple of “free reads” from a hangie on the way back, so whoever that was that gave me the great climbs, it was appreciated.

    Made it back to Marshall and then enjoyed some nice site flying, with a couple of trips to Pine, Crestline, and out to the freeway.

    Track log of some of us. If you’d like to be added to this (more the merrier), post a link to your .IGC file and I’ll combine it with the rest.

    WARNING: this track log contains 2 Jérômes. If you can’t handle that much orange, don’t watch. :D

    Late edit (due to imminent Ayvri shutdown): updated track log.


    Thanks for combining our tracks into an animation David, and for the late day picture of me with Lake Silverwood in the background. The late day thermals were wide and soft-edged, so soothing.

    I like having my twin join me, that way I can “pass the baton” after top landing.2022_05_14_CA_Marshall_BuzzZ6_Jerome_WebSize

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Congratz to David on a new altitude PB for for the OnR flight. Thanks for the report as always, Jerome. I accomplished something fun on Saturday when I flew over the R/C glider crew at Sky Park (Santa’s Village) and yelled down to get my photo and meet me on RCGroups.com. I posted a couple of frame stills on the Inland Slope group and got some nice photos in return.
    2022-05-14 Crestline S3-155b20220514_145749145737_02 Sky Park

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