Home Forums Pilot Reports Saturday, October 7 2023 – Group Trip East


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  • #19036
    David Webb
    General Member

    Great flying day today, with a really pleasant XC trip east to the dam and beyond. Overall smooth conditions with good productive climbs everywhere. Light launch conditions at Crestline at 2PM, with some rowdy air at Billboard but reports of smoother stuff higher up.

    Conditions were great after exiting the fishbowl – McK and Harrison were really working well with big wide thermals to be had. Multiple LZs. I enjoyed a new one that I hadn’t landed at before which was pretty luxurious (huge dirt parking lot with manicured grass and shade to pack up in – 5 stars – would recommend).

    Track Log Here

    And a few pics:





    I think the Seven Oaks dam holds water on one side and collects thermals on the other.

    Jana must have studied the V formation of migrating birds that re-use wing tip vortices, putting the knowledge to good use today.

    Fun day, let’s do it again.


    Jerome, thank you so much for leading the way! I wasn’t sure if I’d join you guys, but after I got that one big thermal in front of Crestline and saw you heading towards Marshall, I decided I’d try to follow along as far as I could. Turns out I was able to stick uncomfortably close to you almost the whole way! 😂


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