Home Forums Events & Projects Shade Str Help Wanted

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    Now that the work is started, thought I’d post on this thread for volunteers to assist building the new structure.


    Monday 7-12 could use some help getting the excavations cleaned up and ready for rebar, concrete and anchor bolts.

    Any time this week someone could get a 1 ponnd box of TSP and a brush. Need to and wash the oil off the steel column material staged behind the glider boxes so we can prime/paint them after welding. We have a couple long garden hoses to get water to that point.

    Also can get the ends of the columns prepped  for welding with a grinder. A 1/4 inch bevel is plenty. same bevel needed on the column caps- the small plates cut and laying next to the column pile.

    rebar and bolts arrive tuesday and if youre up for setting up rebar and bolt templates on wednesday, gimme a call. 909 226 3331


    Tim Ward
    General Member

    Now is the time.
    To all the people who have asked if there’s anything they can do to help out, 8:00 Saturday morning 7/17/21 is the day and time.

    The plan is to get most of the rebar in for the first pour. That will have to cure, and then the columns can go in and be made plumb. After that, there’s more rebar and a second pour, and then the East side of the shade structure can be backfilled.

    Gene and I have removed most of the dirt that we can remove with machines.
    Now there’s a need for a bunch of guys with shovels to do the fine detail work of cleaning out corners in the holes, evening up the edges in places, and… there is one place where due to the fiber optic and power being there, needs to be dug by hand.
    If we have a bunch of people there, no one should have to work too hard. We have three or four shovels, but if you have a favorite you’d like to bring along, please do.

    It would be nice if you’d RSVP here. If you decide to come, check here in the morning, and if it hasn’t been called off, I’ll see you there.

    Reid Marlowe
    General Member

    I will be there to help.


    Tim Ward
    General Member

    Thanks to all those who came out and worked Saturday morning.
    We got a lot done.
    We also had donuts and coffee.


    I’ve been taking some progress photos on weekends. A lot has been done so far. Thank you all for doing the hard work! 🙏



    Visiting pilots rock.


    Stan sent me a couple of progress pics, for the curious.

    If you’d like to donate toward the project, please do so here: https://crestlinesoaring.org/product/ajx-shade-structure-donations/

    We’ve raised close to $18,000 so far, but more will be needed to complete all three phases. 🙏

    Tim Ward
    General Member

    We are building the forms for the West wall.  We are to a point where three or four guys to help move plywood and lumber around would be very helpful.

    So if you can manage to come out tomorrow, Saturday the 14th, we’ll be starting at around 8:30.





    A few more pics of the progress:



    Progress pics as of 09/26/2021, for those of you who haven’t seen the concrete wall yet. 48943CC3-BBCD-4F23-A9DE-F128D4E4E79232D7BECD-BF67-49B1-A368-5F041745384E34BA552F-3FAA-4EAD-A851-C16AF15139F53A2BD14F-D321-4272-9B27-BCE0965EA6BD2AE8525F-2E28-4B4A-B2F8-473A6BC4B59B

    David Webb
    General Member

    Took this for posterity. In 10,000 years, when our next evolution of mutant super humans are examining our fossils, they can look upon these scribblings with wonder.

    Who was this early human and what did this early writing mean? Were they making their first attempts at mathematics or story telling?

    What was his name? No way to tell for sure. Maybe they will just call him “Dan” to identify him in their research.



    ROFL. That’s awesome David.

    Dusty Rhodes
    General Member
    CSS Instructor

    Did you notice that the characters are backwards?
    This is a “print transfer” from calculations written on a flat form board.
    Pretty Cool.

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