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    Kitchen area getting ready for concrete. A big THANK YOU to everyone working on this project! It’s really moving along.

    Tim Ward
    General Member



    Just got these great pics from Owen. The concrete was poured successfully last Tuesday. 🤘🏻😎



    Stan sent me these pics from today. The wood frames are off and concrete standing. 🤘🏻🤩




    Thanks for posting pictures…it’s good to see the progress from the east coast.

    ~ Pat & Amanda

    Tom Morrison
    General Member

    Hi folks.

    The pictures of the new shade structure and the progress is quite impressive. When this project is completed, it will be by far one of the most impressive hang gliding locations.

    Tom Morrison


    Copied from this FB post by Jana Pivkova on 2022/4/6

    Update on the shade structure build, April 6, 2022. Jai Pal says: “The Shade Structure curved roof beams will be ready to ship from Portland this Friday, April 8th. Once the GluLam beams arrive, we will prepare and seal the wood, install them with the steel columns, and into the existing beam saddles. A concrete grade beam will be installed surrounding the steel columns below the ground, which will stabilize the whole structure. Upon completion of the roof frame and when funds are available, we will install the roof framing and a waterproof roof membrane to cover it. Right now we are projecting four weeks to build the frame and roof structure.”

    Ken Howells
    General Member






    Ken Howells
    General Member

    I’m blown away by how majestic it already feels! The height of the posts and the soaring arcs of the beams feel very open and inspiring. Cathedralesque.

    Welcome to the Church of Sublime Soaring!





    We got started about 9:30 with a handful of workers from yesterday and many more pitched in as locals and visitors arrived for Saturday flying. We had all the posts and beams up by Noon. Over the next few hours many went flying and some die-hards did the tedious final measuring and aligning and drilling and bolting. I launched from Regionals.

    Big thanks to everyone involved, including those who had the vision and drive to get the project going.

    Still needs roofing, more concrete, etc., but this is a huge step.



    Tim Ward
    General Member

    Thanks to Dan and Pat and Steve, we got the rebar in the trench.

    When we can get some concrete and Dan on the same day, we’ll pour it.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Cool to see the concrete in yesterday. Structure is looking great.


    Tim Ward
    General Member

    The lumber for the roof is here.

    Getting it off the truck and up to the construction site was a small adventure in itself.

    Many thanks to Gene for his experience and fearless operating.

    Ken Howells
    General Member

    They got the roof all framed-in on Saturday & Sunday.  My contribution was helping to move a chop-saw 15 feet on Saturday when I dropped by the LZ. Looks so different now.  Helluva a lot of cutting and pounding and nailing and drilling and screwing. Thanks to all the workers!


    Also, Dusty & Kathy Rhodes found chairs on deep discount at Big Lots, so they got a bunch.  Dusty was putting loctite on the screws so they’d hold together longer.


    Ken Howells
    General Member

    After flying Monday I enjoyed some of the new shade at the north end of the structure


    Owen Morse, Tim Ward, and a couple of others were supervised by architect Jai Paul.


    Jeff Bether at Crestline.


    400-1000 fpm thermals (as much as 1,400 fpm) and numerous climbs to 6k and 6.5k. Strong sink in many places; got to 6k at Regionals and arrived at Crestline below the ridge, for example. Flew out to Kendall Hill,  ready to land,  but was zero-sinkin’. Thermal west of the lz took me back to the 750. Found sink in the canyon and landed into light W.

    Thanks for the ride,  Dan!


    Mailing Address – not sure how to start a new topic.

    What is the club’s mailing address?

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