Home Forums Non-CSS Sites Soboba, July 11 2023 – Why so Smooth ?

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  • #18522

    I launched at 5 pm in a well-timed lull, and was delivered into plentiful smoother-than-expected lift. It felt like the normally-later glass-off. There were thermals, but they were unusually wide and soft-edged. I gathered near 3 hours airtime and reached 5600′. Only landed because the sun was setting.

    Returning from a trip over the valley, with David in the sky…IMG_2056_NoHaze_Res2000w

    Looking South along the mountain Spine, from over Hwy 79…IMG_2062_NoHaze_Res2000w

    Alongside Cory in his new Ion 7…IMG_2085_NoHaze_Res1500w

    Barely keeping up with David’s new pod harness…IMG_2090_NoHaze_Res2000w

    And myself in unapologetic orange (thanks to David for the picture)…2023_07_11_CA_Soboba_Maestro2_Jerome_Res1500w

    David Webb
    General Member

    Definitely qualified as my smoothest Soboba experience to date. Felt like coastal ridge soaring, and much of the afternoon there was a nice lift band out over the road that covered the whole local part of the range. Light, easy flying with no need for extra layers (comfy t-shirt weather). Maxed out at 5900′ and got 2 1/2 hours in.

    Selfie +1:


    Track log here.

    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    It was fun hearing you all while flying at Ajax. I had the same experience- big smooth lift until very late.

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